Thursday, April 29, 2010

... still think of Bangkok as the Land of Smiles

The recent Red Shirts situation and a series of other personal events have kept me from posting for a while. Since then, I have made an amazing trip to India (which I will post about as soon as I tidy up my archive of photos) and have been forced to move out of my apartment in Bangkok (as it is right in the middle of the conflict zone) .

It seems like I cannot let a day pass without numerous bbm and messages from my very worried dad. Or warm messages from friends who care. It is easy to watch CNN and have only images of violence and the clashes in Bangkok. But amidst all that chaos and heartache, there is a glimmer of hope and beauty in the Land of Smiles.

These photos were taken one recent weekend when I went to a nearby village at the fringe of Bangkok. It was a lovely Saturday and this is a makeshift school where these children were still playing and learning, despite the red shirts and soldiers just several kilometres from the village.

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